FINĖJAS GROUP employs over 2,300 people. We have provided them with exceptional opportunities to study, give a try in different work positions, and pursue a career. If you want to grow together with us - apply for job in our company!


• We care about our employees right from the recruitment – we teach, educate, and inspire.
• We offer a great opportunity to understand the transport "kitchen" and give yourself a try in it.
• You will be heard and noticed – we are open to communication and encourage self-expression, initiative and suggestions.
• We value the uniqueness of each employee.
• We are proud of our harmonious team and look forward to meeting new colleagues.


Company's business success is determined by a strong team, therefore, we value and encourage our employees, we are proud of those, who have started their career and continue it successfully in our team. We always aim that real professionals would work in the company.

Aliona Jeršova

From a Junior Transport Manager to the Head of the Transport Team

  • Openness to challenges and changes
  • Initiative
  • Communication and teamwork
  • Management of stressful situations

Experience in the company: 4 years

Darius Dobilaitis

From a Mechanic to a Service Repair Management Team Leader

  • Teamwork
  • Continuous improvement
  • Quick resolution of situations
  • Nurturing experience

Experience in the company: 12 years

Jovita Šaukštelė

From an Assistant Transport Manager to the Head of the Driver Service Team of the Transport Operations Centre

  • Cooperation
  • Responsibility
  • Communicability
  • Accuracy

Experience in the company: 7 years




• For remote employees we organize a trip by car to our modern office in Vievis, which offers extremely comfortable and ergonomic workstations.
• There is a safe, spacious, fenced-in free parking lot next to the office.
• All employees of the company are insured against accidents.  
• We have lunch in the company's café STUDIO55, where food is made based on the principles of healthy eating, and most of the cost of the meal is reimbursed by the company.
• We enjoy coffee, tea and fruit for free.
• During breaks we play table football or gather together with colleagues for the exercise.
• We really like spending our free time actively – we have basketball and running teams. 


Solid and dedicated team

Our culture is based on common values and unanimous philosophy. Warm communication, respect, trust, and goodwill are  what we live every day. We do our best not only for our customers, but also for us all.
• We can go to work with our colleagues using our eco-friendly Carpooling system, which not only allows us to travel to work for free, but also guarantees active communication with one another.
• We try to exploit our potential to the fullest - there are various committees in the company that are not related to the job functions.
• We thank our colleagues for beautiful actions and new initiatives – this is our Can Do project, during which colleagues are awarded prizes.
• We share our personal experiences, knowledge, and hobbies – we have great spaces for such meetings.
• We are not only able to work productively, but also to have fun – we organize Teambuildings, special events, championships, etc.


Career opportunities

• We are excited that over the last five years our team has grown from 300 to 1,900 people.
• Speedy development of Finėjas Group opens up opportunities for our employees not only in vertical and in horizontal but also in international careers.
• We also provide the opportunity to work in the field of transport for people without experience – we have a socialization program, where an individually assigned mentor trains an employee on site.
• Every month we host the Newbie Day event and introduce employees not only to the company's activities and culture, but also to each other. During the tour around the office we visit departments and learn about their functions - the most cheerful part of this event is seeing a modern trucktrailer, when our specialist presents the subtlety of loads' loading and fastening and then takes visitors for a drive.


Social responsibility

• We operate transparently within an international environment and are open and friendly towards all cultures.
• We provide equal opportunities regardless of gender, race, age, disability, nationality, marital status, sexual orientation or religion.
• Each of us is unique, but at the same time we have a lot in common - we are active, curious, and socially responsible, so we come together not only through traditional events, but also through various social promotions.
• In the company, we organize the Cake Days, where we treat ourselves to oven-baked desserts and donate to those in need.
• We also actively participate in the Blood Donation Campaign, support educational institutions & organizations, and help four-legged friends.
• We are in favor of sustainable development - we consume natural resources (water, electricity) responsibly, sort and manage waste properly.
For job opportunities, please reach out to us via email at or follow our social media accounts.